Entrepreneurial Growth: Formalize new partnerships to advance “cradle-to-career” education.

The Grow Smarter Strategy specifically outlined the necessity of formalizing new partnerships in education and business sectors to support “cradle to career” education in the Strategy report. The Kate Tiedemann College of Business has retooled the business curriculum of the school and created/advanced entrepreneurial programs for just this purpose (5.1).

ACTION 5.1: Formalize new partnerships to advance “cradle-to-career” education.


The most pervasive local model for student-support-and-advancement programming is through initiatives tied to the “collective impact” philosophy of coordinated, collaborative, data-driven, community-wide coalitions focused on identifying and addressing intractable issues. These programs are typically staffed, funded, and feature participation from representatives of business, education and training, and social services sectors. They either leverage existing programs or launch their own and often create sub-committees focused on specific issues underlying educational-performance dynamics. This philosophy will expand upon efforts Pinellas County Schools have already made to incorporate business and community voices into their operational dynamics.

In 2014, Entrepreneur Kate Tiedemann made a momentous gift to the University of South Florida – St. Pete, a $10 billion gift to name its school after the benefactor – the largest in school history. The gift came with a name change – effective immediately the business school became Kate Tiedemann School of Business. According to the Tampa Bay Times, the $10 million contribution was split, with $6 million devoted to an endowment to provide long-term income to support the College of Business. The remaining $4 million was committed to upgrade academic content, with feedback from the faculty.

The Kate Tiedemann College of Business is fully accredited by AACSB and SACS and has become a cutting edge educational facility to help students gain skills to succeed in a global economy. In partnership with local businesses and the St. Petersburg EDC, Kate Tiedemann College of Business engages with the real world of business, helping students gain the acumen and insight of innovative local start-ups. Recently, the school partnered with local start-ups, InsideOut, Presence, Intrinio, and more, as well as the St. Petersburg Economic Development Corporation for their first Data Analytics Executive Roundtable. The forum allowed Kate Tiedemann College of Business leadership to present current curriculum related to data analytics and assess how course offerings are meeting the needs of existing St. Pete companies.

According to an article the USFSP, local business leaders came away with positive feedback, “I left the roundtable convinced that the climate here for people interested in advanced technology and [data science and analytics] is compelling,” Englebrecht said. “When I moved here with iQor after we relocated our corporate headquarters from Manhattan, I wasn’t sure what to expect, but I have been pleasantly surprised by the strength of the technology community and talent. The academic ties with USFSP, the EDC, and a growing recognition of St. Petersburg as an up and coming place to live and work should present a powerful message for folks in traditional tech hubs.”

The Kate Tiedemann College of Business powers the EDC’s data center and both parties plans to continue collaborating, with follow-up events already planned.


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