Over the last few years as the new 26-acre pier district took shape, various individuals and businesses snapped up the relevant domain names for the St Pete icon. Ultimately the City was unable to access the most desirable domain names. The official site became newstpetepier.com. Understanding the value of the right domain name in digital placemaking, the St. Petersburg Group sought out, negotiated for and purchased the domain name stpetepier.org. It gifted the domain to the City.
“As the City site is StPete.org, it makes sense that the most optimal domain for the Pier is StPetePier.org. We were fortunate to be able to purchase the domain and are proud to have donated it to the city so that the appropriate branding consistency could be put in place ” says St. Petersburg Group CEO Joe Hamilton.
The City accepted the domain and made the switch to stpetepier.org in 2020.